As a culinary proposal with regional recipes, Vasconcelos, another achievement of Sofa Entertainment Group, comes to offer the traditions of Mexico on your palate in San Pedro Garza García.
With exquisite options for breakfast, lunch and dinner, Vasconcelos is undoubtedly an excellent option for lovers of Mexican cuisine.
It has spaces wrapped in Mexican culture and traditions in its different restaurant areas, canteen and taquería as well as a amazing terrace to the center of Plaza O2 in San Pedro Garza García where you can also enjoy the great atmosphere with music from all ages.
Corn, beans, chili and mezcal are some attributes of Mexican gastronomy rich in flavor, aroma and tradition.
The Mexican touch in each of the details of the place as well as in the unique seasoning of the dishes will make you live an exquisite experience.
In Vasconcelos you will find dishes that range from some prepared top tacos in our taqueria inside the restaurant, sopetacos, Coyoacán style esquites and even an exquisite Ribeye with salt or marinated on the embers.
Contamos con las sugerencias del chef para estar innovando platillos para el gusto de nuestros comensales.
Febrero 2016
Good table
The North
February 2016
Resident Magazine
February 2016
Febrero 2016
Marzo 2016